Thursday, May 28, 2009

The girl from Oregon

Nine months ago, a new force entered my life. No, it wasn't a screaming child, but a mythical creature known as Sarah Bonne. She hails from Oregon, the hippie pot smoking liberal haven. She moved in with me and we have shared a basement in an insular chassidic community. The best time of my life, as far as excellent roommates go. We decorate the home, shop for tznius items, and fly off to weddings on a weekly basis. She is such an enjoyable roommate I have considered not getting married. What more do I need? I have someone to laugh at my jokes, someone to cry to at the end of a hard day. I lovingly remind her to turn the oven off, hours after the food has been cooked. Who needs morgages and dinners with in-laws when you have this much fun?


  1. Haha! At long last you have joined the ranks. What an honor...

  2. Obviously Sarah is quite the influential one.

  3. it really is. i like the way you're starting off, with love and appreciation, unlike so many bloggers, who just get online to rant and rave!

  4. I'd have to agree... Sarabonne is pretty cool :).

  5. As far as I've been told there are certain fringe benefits to getting hitched...

  6. Ditto to cheerio's comment. And e's.
